TB News 

June 2024

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Tuberculosis (TB) Elimination (DTBE) Web Updates

On May 15, 2024, CDC launched a new website as part of an agency-wide effort to modernize and transform digital communication at CDC.

  • URLs: URLs have changed and will continue to change throughout the remainder of 2024. Some links will continue to work or smart redirects may automatically direct you from previous links to corresponding new pages. It is recommended to check that existing links work.
  • Syndication: Syndicated pages will continue to work on the new You will still be able to syndicate any current URL, but content on that page may have changed. CDC encourages review of any syndicated pages to ensure the content you are syndicating from the updated page still meets your content needs.
  • Archived Content: There are three options to see previous content from the old Visit for a searchable site of key documents (available indefinitely) or visit to see exactly as it was before the new site launched (available for 6 months). Many PDFs, power point slide sets, and other files have been archived on CDC Stacks

DTBE has several new updated websites included in this initial launch of the new

CDC’s Division of Tuberculosis (TB) Elimination released the newly updated Find TB Resources website earlier this month. The updated website includes:

  • an updated design,
  • improved search features,
  • an online form to submit TB education and training materials to the database,
  • links to additional resources, and the ability for users to customize a list of their favorite resources.

Please contact or the CDC Office of Communications at if you have any questions.

Information for Local Health Jurisdictions (LHJs)

Washington State Public Health Laboratory (WAPHL) Courier Service

The courier service is not going away! The service remains and no changes are anticipated. There has been rumors that the courier service may be ending due to funding. However, the high value and need for this service have been well expressed throughout the state, and the courier service continues to be provided by the PHL. If any changes are anticipated, information will be shared timely through multiple communications. 

HRSA 340B TB Annual


Thank you All WA LHJs for your cooperation during this year's annual recertification!

All Washington's TB Programs have been recertified with the 340B program for another year. This allows your LHJ access to the steeping discounted TB medications we provide without cost using the 340B program and stretches our funds to include more patients' medications.

Please reach out to our program if you have any questions:

Video DOT SureAdhere Languages

Did you know that the SureAdhere mobile app is available in several languages? To view the patient's mobile app in another language, the patient will need to navigate to the "Welcome! Log In" screen, then click the button in the top right hand corner, and select "Change Language".

The languages that are currently available for patients are: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Vietnamese, Amharic, Tagalog, Russian, Haitian Creole, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Chinese Simplified, Marshallese. (Coming 2024: Afrikaans, Kyrgyz, Sepedi, Somali, Tsonga, Tswana, Xhosa, Zulu) *If your LHJ needs additional languages in the patient app, please let us know at

Additional details are located on the TB Partners SharePoint.

Thank you for participating in Cohort Review

Thank you to the 9 LHJs who participated in the one-on-one Spring Cohort Reviews with the State TB Team. These LHJs were chosen due to the high number of TB cases that they manage. We reviewed and discussed the TB National TB Indicators successes and challenges in achieving those goals.

Thank you to the following local TB Teams: Clark, King, Kitsap, Pierce, Snohomish, Spokane, Thurston, Whatcom and Yakima. The discussions and suggestions you provided will help the state to adjust towards meeting the NTIP goals leading to better and more consistent TB patient outcomes.

We will be reaching out in a couple months to begin schedule the fall Cohort Reviews.

TB Partners SharePoint New & Updated Documents & Resources

STSADJ Arriver Type Reminders

Our LHJ Partners are starting to see STSADJ (status adjuster applicant) Arriver types in EDN. Please remember that civil surgeons are now required to enter I-693 data for status adjusters with TB classifications into EDN. This data flows into the EDN system and triggers alerts that look very similar to alerts received for new arrivers with TB class A and class B classifications as determined by overseas Panel Physicians. For more info on what to look out for and how to handle these notifications, please read through our TB Manual: TB Manual: Chapter 4 Class B Notifications ( If you would like to set up a one on one with a Class B Workgroup team member, please email

Upcoming Events and Education Opportunities

June 7 - September 6, 2024 | TB 101 Series

This Rutgers Global TB Center 14-part webinar series will provide an introduction to the fundamentals of tuberculosis (TB). The live sessions are held on Fridays. More information here.

June 20, 2024 | Mayo Clinic Center for Tuberculosis Civil Surgeon Webinar Series

This webinar series provides civil surgeons with knowledge and skills in the management of tuberculosis screening, testing, and treatment for individuals who are seeking admission into the United States. The June webinar focuses on TB Screening and Referral Process for Civil Surgeons. Register here.

June 27, 2024 | Lunch and Learn Series

Mayo Clinic Center for Tuberculosis hosts a virtual weekly TB "Lunch and Learn" series where participants can discuss real-life TB cases and TB-related challenges, facilitated by experts in the field of tuberculosis. Register here.

Innovations in Tuberculosis (TB) Webinar Series

This Mayo Clinic Center for TB monthly webinar series offers healthcare professionals the latest insights in tuberculosis (TB).

July 17, 2024 | Fundamentals of Medical & Case Management of Drug-Susceptible TB

This is the third in a series of Curry International TB Center's virtual TB Case Management and Contact Investigation Intensive (CMCI) trainings occurring during 2024. Register here.

September 17-19, 2024 | TB Education and Training Network (ETN) and TB Program Evaluation Network (PEN) Conference

This conference presents a unique opportunity for TB program staff to expand their understanding of TB education, training, and program evaluation in Atlanta, Georgia. More information here.

Washington's TB Project ECHO

On Tuesdays 12:30-1:30 pm PT, join our lunch-time virtual discussion about real TB cases with your peers. This free interactive event is guided by a panel of local TB experts. For more information about this local project and our partners who make this ongoing event possible.

SEATRAC Seminar Series

SEATRAC hosts and promotes seminars, one Friday session per month from 12 - 1 PM, focused on TB basic and clinical sciences by local trainees', local and visiting faculty, and special guests.

2024 ECHO Colorado Newcomer Health Series

In partnership with ECHO Colorado, the Minnesota Center of Excellence hosts a monthly training on newcomer health on the last Tuesday of each month at 8:00 AM, PT. This series is designed to increase medical providers' knowledge of the resettlement and health issues of newcomers, including refugee, immigrant, and migrant (RIM) populations. More information here.


Progress Toward Tuberculosis Elimination and Tuberculosis Program Performance — National Tuberculosis Indicators Project, 2016–2022

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) | 6/2024 | doi: 10.15585/mmwr.ss7304a1

Chest Radiograph Screening for Detecting Subclinical Tuberculosis in Asymptomatic Household Contacts, Peru

Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) | 6/2024 | doi: 10.3201/eid3006.231699

Video Recordings and Education Opportunities


Tuberculosis Testing and Latent Tuberculosis Infection Treatment Practices Among Health Care Providers — United States, 2020–2022. 0.5 CME/CE available, expires 3/29/2025. Access here.

CITC Archived Webinars

CME/CE units will not be offered for these trainings. Access here.

Rutgers TB Institute Webinar Archives

CE units are not available for these archives. Access here.

SNTC Archived Webinars

CME/CE units are not offered for these trainings. Access here.

SNTC Online Courses

CME units are offered for these trainings. Access here.

Mayo Clinic Center

  • CME/CE units are offered for the TB Courses trainings. Enter "Public Health" into Specialty to filter through TB courses. Access here.
  • Innovations in TB Webinar Series (No CME available). Access here.

Minnesota Center of Excellence in Newcomer Health Webinars & Recordings

CME/CE units are offered for these trainings. Access here.

CDC: TB 101 for Health Care Workers

CE units expire on 11/6/2025 and are available at no cost. Access here.

TB ECHO Recorded Archives

Missed a TB ECHO® session? TB ECHO® has didactic presentations available for viewing on YouTube. Handouts related to the presentation are included where appropriate. Watch recorded TB ECHO® here

Tools and Resources

Minnesota's Center of Excellence in Newcomer Health

  • Access helpful tools, trainings, and updates for newcomers and refugee health here.


DOH Refugee Health Program

  • Afghan Health Resources - Fact sheets, webinars, videos, and other health resources (scroll down for TB resources).
  • Ukrainian Health Resources - Fact sheets, webinars, videos, and other health resources to support new arrivals from Ukraine (scroll down for TB resources).

Southeastern National TB Center

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